FSL ePrints.

FSL ePrints is an occasional series of open access research papers on topics related to sport and feminism.

If you have work that you would like to appear as an FSL ePrint, please contact the editors of the series, Sheree Bekker and/or Stephen Mumford, who will be happy to discuss your plans with you. The ePrints may be of any disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach. We welcome work from scholars at any career stage. There is no uniform expectation on word limit: papers can be as long or short as the research requires.

  • A Philosophical Road Trip: Exploring 'The Second Sex' in Automotive Sports, Women's Transformation from Housewife to Horsepower, and the Hurdles to Formula 1

    Imogen Hurst

    FSL ePrints No. 1, July 2024.